Directions: Read each statement and choose the answer that most accurately represents your feelings and beliefs.

The scoring system is as follows:
1- strongly disagree, 2- somewhat disagree, 3- neither agree nor disagree, 4- somewhat agree, 5- strongly agree.

1: People have told me that I’m a good listener
2: I bounce back from upsets and quickly get back on track
3: Others view me as a leader
4: Luck is on my side
5: I am clear about my underlying needs, desires and goals
6: I am able to shrug off self-doubt and negative thinking
7: Life is full of golden opportunities waiting to be discovered
8: I know what I’m passionate about and what really motivates me
9: I learn from my mistakes and always keep the end state or goal in mind
10: I know my talents and skills
11: I am comfortable giving critical feedback to others
12: I usually manage my emotions, especially fear and anger
13: I don’t blame others when things don’t work out
14: I have clear goals for my future
15: I’m the captain of my ship
16: I don’t take things personally
17: I don’t take things at face value. In other words, I probe and ask questions
18: I have confidence in my abilities
19: I make plans to accomplish my goals
20: I successfully adapt to new situations
21: I’m not easily swept away by 1st impressions
22: I have best practices and rituals I use to stay focused on what’s important to me
23: I don’t wait until events determine my fate: I take the initiative
24: I basically trust people
25: I express my feelings when I’m upset
26: I review my progress to see if my actions are taking me to where I want to go
27: I like my life
28: I control my destinyÂ
29: I feel good about life, even when things aren’t going well
30: I take responsibility for what happens in my life
31: When there are differences of opinion, I express what I think
32: I consider the implications or consequences of my actions before I leap into action
33: I’m a good problem-solver
34: I have a personal vision that is not easily swayed by outside influence
35: I'm confident about my future
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